What are Gemstones?

Gems, which are also called gemstones, are very important in Vedic astrology, especially when it comes to healing. Throughout ancient times, many monarchs and other royal individuals have worn these as jewellery or utilised them as magnificent ornaments. This practise continues now. Wearing gemstones for the purpose of healing is the most common cause. Through the course of history, it has been utilised in a variety of therapeutic and religious rites. Gems were extremely valuable not only because of their rarity and stunning appearance, but also because of the power they gave to whoever wore them. This made gems extremely desirable investments. They are receptacles for the energies of the cosmos, which can be accessed by bringing the stone into physical contact with the human body. Depending on how they are put to use, gems can either contribute positively or negatively to the user’s experience of their power. In varied degrees, all stones and gems possess magnetic properties, and a good number of these stones and gems can help us thanks to the therapeutic effects they have. They give off vibrations and frequencies that have the ability to have a tremendous effect on our entire being and the environment.

Our heavenly planet contains naturally occurring deposits of minerals and jewels. These precious stones and crystals are said to hold mystical properties in addition to their curative and spiritual attributes. Gemstones and birthstones are two typical names for these types of stones. Depending on the level of quality and the price, they might be classified as precious or semi-precious. When one of our planets is paired with a certain gemstone, we are better able to counteract the negative effects that planet has on our lives.

It is best to wear only a suitable gemstone according to your birth-chart since, if you wear one that is not suited for you, it may result in miseries and issues in life. If you wear one that is not suitable for you, however, it is preferable to wear only a suitable gemstone.

Types of Gemstones

Precious stones and semi-precious stones are the two categories that can be used to categorise gemstones according to their qualities, uses, levels of purity, and prices. Please keep reading this post if you are interested in learning more about them.

Precious Gemstones

Gemstones are considered precious if they are very rare, worth a lot of money, and of high quality. Its effects are speedy and powerful due to the fact that they maintain quality. In addition, they are used in therapeutic and spiritual practises. These precious stones are often set in jewellery worn by wealthy individuals. Diamonds and sapphires are two types of precious stones; other examples include rubies, emeralds, yellow sapphires, and blue sapphires.

Semi-Precious Gemstones

Semi-precious stones are a type of gem that is not considered to be as rare or valuable as precious stones, but can nonetheless be worn as a substitute for precious stones. After being worn in the appropriate manner, not only are these efficient, but they also impart the intended outcomes. These stones are also suitable for use in the creation of jewellery. Red Coral, Pearls, Hessonite, Cat’s Eye, Turquoise, Onyx, Agate, Labradorite, Amber, Quartz, and Lapis Lazuli are some examples of semi-precious stones.

Powerful Vedic Gemstones – Their Uses and Benefits

Most people believe that precious and semiprecious gemstones, especially those that have to do with astrology, have a big effect on our lives.There are several Vedic ratnas that are preferred for jewellery as well because to their beauty, elegance, and appeal. These ratnas are known as the “jewellery ratnas.”

It is common knowledge that the grahas, or planets, can be channelled through the Vedic gemstones, which in turn can assist their owners in many other aspects of life. Continue reading to learn about the most important astrological gemstones and how the wearer’s life might be affected by the gemstones due to their affinity with particular planets.

Yellow Sapphire

The yellow sapphire, also known as the pukhraj, is a precious gemstone that is believed to bring its wearer good fortune, money, and happiness. Given that Jupiter, the most significant planet in Vedic astrology, rules this gorgeous navratna, people purchase and wear it for knowledge, power, and good fortune. Yellow sapphire is a highly important and pious stone in Vedic astrology. It is said that Sri Lanka or Ceylon is the country of origin for pushparaga or peela pukhraj, depending on which term you prefer.

Yellow Sapphire should never be worn without first seeking the advice of an experienced astrologer who can evaluate its appropriateness. Due to the fact that Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system, the Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) possesses unique properties in comparison to those of other precious stones. The wearer may be eligible for a number of advantages if Jupiter, as depicted in the Jyotish chart, is shown to have a favourable influence. It enables the wearer to make the appropriate choices at the appropriate times, which in turn helps them to have a happy married life. Also, it helps one achieve success in academics and jobs, which in turn helps increase one’s financial and social position.

The price of a real pukhraj stone is based not only on its astrological properties but also on where it came from, such as Madagascar, Tanzania, Thailand, Burma, or other countries.It is recommended that natives who have a Guru in their kundli that is weak wear a ring or pendant that contains a natural yellow sapphire.

Blue Sapphire

Saturn is said to be symbolised by the blue sapphire, which is considered to be one of the most valuable jewels (Shani). It is regarded to be the most powerful gemstone because it is ruled by the most powerful planet, and it is also recognised traditionally as the birthstone for September. Never put on the gemstone without first discussing your plans with a knowledgeable astrologer who can evaluate its appropriateness. It is often held that blue sapphire has a powerful connection with being blessed with affluence and financial success. In addition to these benefits, natural neelam patthar shields a person from harmful energies, helps them maintain a tranquil state of mind, and enhances their intuitive abilities. It is thought that titanium and iron are responsible for the brilliant blue colour of this ratan.

It is a highly powerful acting gem that removes whatever mental anguish you may be experiencing. Blue sapphire, which is associated with Lord Saturn, should never be worn without first undergoing careful examination. The price of a Neelam Ratan depends on its country of origin, cut, clarity, and colour. The most well-known varieties of blue sapphire for their astrological properties are Kashmiri and Ceylon blue sapphire.


Emerald, also called Panna Ratan, is a member of the beryl family. In Vedic astrology, it is thought to be one of the most powerful gemstones. In traditional Hindu literature, the emerald is described as being symbolic of the planet Mercury (Budh), which is described as being relatively minor in size but having a significant impact on the life of the local. The wearer’s mind, body, and soul are all guarded by the profoundly green stone, which possesses protective characteristics. The primary advantages it offers are increased intellectual capacity and increased knowledge. In addition to its use in jewellery, the magical stone is renowned for the miraculous healing powers it possesses. A natural panna stone possesses healing properties and is associated with the planet Mercury (budh). This type of stone is also known as a cold gem or budh ratna. Also, having an original panna stone improves your ability to communicate, makes you wiser, and contributes to the expansion of your wealth.


Ruby is both an extremely rare and extremely strong type of gemstone that can be found anywhere in the universe. According to a number of legendary texts, this is the most valuable of the twelve stones that God fashioned while he was responsible for the creation of life. This pricey diamond, which in the Sanskrit language goes by the names Manik, Ratnaraj Ratnanayaka, and Padmaraga, is considered to have a very significant significance in the field of astrological research.

The gemstone known as a blood red ruby is a member of the corundum family and is made up of chromium for the most part. Because of its connection to the sun, manik is often referred to as the “King of Gems.” This Vedic stone boosts marital peace, improves parental bonding, and bestows mental strength on its wearer. It also protects its owner from harm. Also, an authentic ruby inspires originality and self-assurance in its wearer, both of which are beneficial to the wearer’s professional success.

The pigeon blood colour of a manik ratan is the factor that most heavily influences its price. A couple of the best places to find natural and unadulterated rubies include the countries of Thailand and Sri Lanka, as well as Madagascar. It is said that those born under the Leo or Singh rashi will benefit the most from wearing manik stones.


Venus, the second planet in the solar system, is the planetary ruler of diamond, which is one of the most highly valued jewels. Because it was named after the Roman goddess of beauty and love, it is frequently referred to in Vedic astrology as the planet of affection. This is because Venus was the Roman goddess of beauty and love. When Venus is favourably affected in a Jyotish chart, the bearer of the talisman or amulet can anticipate experiencing a number of pleasant outcomes. The person who wears it is bestowed with a great deal of comfort, luxury, tranquilly, and joy.

Red Coral

Red coral, also known as praval or moonga, is a mystic stone that is said to have enormous astrological benefits and is governed by Mars or mangal. Because Mars is the god of battle, wearing a valuable stone associated with him enables its bearer to triumph over their foes and adversaries. The natural Japanese and Italian moonga are highly sought after in the astrology and jewellery industries due to their renown for superior quality and widespread use.

The person who owns a real piece of red coral is sure of themselves and full of life. If you adopt the Tuesday moonga on a Tuesday, according to Vedic astrology, you will have an easier time overcoming any delays in your endeavours.

Natural Pearl

Natural pearls exude an air of serenity and tranquilly, and they are a symbol of good fortune for anyone who wears them. The moon can be restored to its former glory with the help of an authentic natural pearl stone. Cancer and Pisces are two of the star signs that could benefit from wearing an astrological moti to help them better regulate their anger.

Pearl is a well-known precious stone that is typically unearthed from the ocean floor. It is versatile enough to be used in astrological and jewellery settings alike. Pearls are meant to be worn on the ring finger of the right hand because they bring harmony to marital life and should be worn there. It is stated that this stone works well in conjunction with silver.

These are some of the most valuable and strong diamonds that may be found anywhere in the world. However, one should only choose the gem that matches their personal style or that a knowledgeable person recommends. You can investigate the gemstones that correspond to your birth month at either the internet or the physical location of Brahma Gems, and see what is awaiting your attention there. You can also consult with the knowledgeable astrologers on Brahma Gems’ staff for assistance in selecting the ratan that is best suited to your needs.

Cat’s Eye

Because of its stunning appearance and long history of use, the Cat’s Eye gemstone has earned a revered place in the hearts and minds of those who wear it. The spiritual planet Ketu, which is in charge of this exquisite gemstone, is the source of the qualities that are bestowed upon a Cat’s Eye gemstone. When Ketu is favourably impacted in a Jyotish chart, the person who wears the ring might reap the benefits of doing so in a number of ways. It has the power to provide wealth and shield its user from the negative effects of evil spirits as well as the jealousy of other individuals. The wearer of a cats eye stone may also see an improvement in their overall health issues. Also, it assists in the expansion of the firm, and as a result, it is recognised for its ability to revitalise failing businesses or financial projects.


Hessonite, which is a calcium aluminium silicate with a honey colour, is also referred to as Gomed in Hindi. This mineral holds a significant position in the Hindu scriptures. It is thought that the Vedic planet Rahu presides over this particular stone. The mineral known as hessonite derives its name from the Greek word “Hesson,” which literally translates to “inferior.” When Rahu is favourably affected in a Jyotish chart, the wearer may be able to take advantage of a few different advantages. The person who wears it is shielded from all the harmful energy and vibrations. By giving you access to a more creative thinking, it helps you enhance your income. The Gomed ratna is especially helpful for individuals who, as a normal part of their lives, are more likely to experience fear, worry, or stress than others. The wearer is able to improve their mental concentration and focus as a result of this item’s ability to clear their mind of thoughts such as bewilderment, timidity, and dread.


Gems play an essential role in Vedic astrology, particularly with regard to the healing process. They serve as receptacles for the energies of the universe and can be of use to us through the therapeutic effects of those energies. There are two primary categories of gemstones: precious stones and semi-precious stones. When it comes to gemstones, “precious” refers to those that are hard to come by, command a high price, and have excellent quality. It is possible to wear semi-precious stones as substitutes for precious stones, and Vedic jewels have a significant impact on the way our lives are lived.

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